Thursday 12 March 2009


During the editing we used many different softwares including livetype to produce are logo and titles for our opening. The group found it easy to create the titles, but it was harder finding the effects we wanted to make the Title look " scary".

While using final cut express to add the finishing touches to our opening. we used different effects such as strobe, color corrector and view finder; to make the killer scenes look as if they were being viewed from a cctv camera.

Finally we used sound track software to produce back ground music for our Dance scene as we had used a existing song, which we didn't have the copy rights for.

Tuesday 3 March 2009

Test Screening

Before we do the final draft of our opening sequence we our going to do a test screening for the other groups in our class. This will enable us to get feedback from the various groups and let us know if our film has fit the genre we wanted it to, whether it will entertain the audience and what age group it appeals to.

The questions we have asked in the test screening survey ask the sample audience they're opinion on the different aspects of the film.

Above is a copy of the test screen survey that we will give the sample audience to answer. 

Friday 27 February 2009


You are making reasonable progress but your blog offers little analysis
Why have you used certain shots?
Your filming has some brilliant stuff and some awful stuff - you need to refilm the awful so organise it now
Think genre - which films have inspired you
You need to axe the moaning on the blog as it just sounds like whingeing
I would be keeping quiet about such poor organisation
Therefore revisit this and edit it to focus on the demands of the syllabus

Thursday 26 February 2009


The opening sequence for our film is designed to be within the thriller genre. For inspiration we looked at films such as "Scream" and "I know what you did last summer" and looked closely at the camera angles, plots, lighting, mise-en-scene and dialogue.

During the week we spent filming we experienced the following difficulties that made it tricky to stick to the initial filming plans:

- Availability: The building most of our opening sequence was being filmed in was not always free when we needed to film. Although we realized this and had it in mind when creating the filming schedule it was still a major inconvenience. To overcome this we had to arrange in advance what days we would be using it to film in.

- The Weather: Another difficulty we overcame was the weather. We had not expected a snow storm the weekend before we were scheduled to start filming. This meant we could not start to film until the snow had cleared for the sake of continuity. However we used this time to get more prepared for the filming so when we could start it wouldn't take as long as we had estimated.

Monday 23 February 2009


Make a rough cut of your project to present to the class next Monday 2nd March

Generally OK on blog
Please include some material about filming


Thursday 29 January 2009


Above is our finished animatic complete with soundtrack and logo. We used final cut express to edit the clips together. We also used Soundtrack software to add music and tension to our storyboard. Finally we used Livetype to create the logo for our film production company "Film Lovers Productions" for the opening of the film.

Thursday 22 January 2009


This is the storyboard from the opening sequence of "I know what you did last summer". 

1. Close up of hands.       

2. Long shot of male.
3. Establishing shot of area and surroundings.
4. Mid shot of male showing his expression.
5.Another long shot showing where male is sitting.
6.Mid shot of male turning around.
7. Long shot of what man is looking at.
8.Long shot of man sitting on cliff edge.
9. Mid shot of man looking at object in his hand.
10.Mid shot of him turning around. 
11. Long shot of crashing waves underneath.

Scream Opening Storyboard

The opening shot is a mid-shot of the phone. There is no sound at first, but then the phone rings.

A hand reaches out to pick up the phone. It is still ringing at this point, but stops when it comes off the reciever.

The camera follows the hand up until a woman appears. It is a mid-shot because you can see from her mid-drift upwards. She has a conversation with a man, who appears to have dialed the wrong number. We can hear the man's voice, as well as the woman's, so his voice is non-diegetic sound.

After the conversation has ended, the camera switches to a close up of her hand as she puts the phone down. We hear the phone go back on the receiver. 

As she walks away, it is a long shot. The phone rings again and she turns around, the camera pans across as she approaches the phone and picks it up again. She has another conversation with the same man as before. After the conversation has ended, she puts the phone down again. This stays as a long shot for the whole sequence, the camera just pans to follow her movement.

An establishing shot is used in the next sequence, as the camera pans around the area the girl lives in and the house.

The camera switches back to the house, and a close up of the cooker, as she turns it on in preparation to cook.

open of all the boys love MandyLane

Tuesday 13 January 2009

Clerks Opening Analysis

Today, we watched the film "Clerks" and analysed it. We looked at mise-en-scene, camerawork, editing, representation and sound.

- Locale (New Jersey, Suburbs)
- Props
- Era (Early 90's)
- Costume (Casual, working, shirt over tee shirt)
- Lighting (Black and White, Morning)
- Acting (Underplayed, understated)

- MS framed by counter
- CU on work activities
- External shots on store

- Continuity/ Montage (Cont.)
- Match on Action (Sign)

- Social groups (Working class, mid 20's, manual labour, hourly paid, no benefits, educated)

- Diegetic (Phone, dialogue - not much)
- Non diegetic (music - fast pace, guitar, rock)

Monday 12 January 2009

Video Clip

We analysed the above clip from the opening scene of "Scream", and decided to use it to help us in our own production. We took inspiration from the lighting, music and camera angles and interpreted it into our own film. This helped us make the film as "Scream" acted as a template for us to use.


Today, we watched a program on e-stream about film production. We then created a production company name for our group, FLP (Film Lover's Productions). We assigned the following roles to our group members: Rachel will be director, Jennie will be producer, Anneli will be editor and Jamie will be camera person. Our film will be a teen horror.

Before today, we have been preparing for the project by doing doing the following; planning scripts, storyboarding, researching opening sequences of existing films (Wild At Heart, Fast times at Ridgemount High and This is England), bluetoothing photos over from a mobile to the apple mac, learning how to use livetype and anamatic, and also learning about clerks.